JCI to Niagara4 Database Conversion

Kander specializes in JCI to N4 database conversions. We have tools to automate most of the process. Let our experience of converting more than 2,000 JCI databases streamline your next JCI to N4 migration.
Price $1,000.00

After more than 2,000 database conversions and 10,000 development hours into our tools, we are ready to take on your JCI to N4 database conversion. Collect the JCI database using the instructions in the link below, send it to us, and we will send back your N4 stations. We can configure the stations for any brand JACE. If using FX JACEs, we will program the stations to use the native N2 driver that comes with. If using a JACE of a different brand, we program the station to use the 3rd party Maxline N2 driver. Check out the links below, and let us know if you have any questions.

Click here to view database collection instructions

Click here for answers to frequently asked questions

Click here for a glipse into the fate of the poor souls who continue on without Kander

Product SKU nm-JCI to Niagara4 Database Conversion
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Pricing is $1000 per station. This includes points, controllers, parameters, alarms, histories, trends, totalizations, data shares, schedules and multiple commands from the JCI database defined into N4 stations. Additional services such as complex control object translation and renaming are also available at an additional cost.

License Managed By: No License Required

After purchase, we will contact you to help gather the database and support you through the process. We look forward to working with you!

Sold By
Matthew Hagemann
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