Ticket Tool

The Ticket Tool makes contacting your service/support team easy. Add a link to any PX page to enable end users to easily fill out a form that emails to appropriate service/support teams. The form also structures the email in a way that includes the Niagara user, a screenshot of the current graphic and other valuable information needed to respond efficiently to a service/support call.
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Price $50.00 - $500.00
Price $50.00
Product SKU nm-ticket-tool5891
Software Version

The JACE Version provides unlimited Ticket Tool recipients and support requests for JACE-8000. The Supervisor Version provides unlimited Ticket Tool recipients and support requests for Supervisors.

Licensing Management

* SMA-based licenses allow customer functionality of software built up to 1 year after purchase. If software build date is after license expiration date, application will not run. If software build date is before license expiration date, application will run perpetually. *Subscription-based licenses allow customer functionality of all latest software versions. Application will not run after expiration date.


Niagara 4.10+ (Contact us for lower version requirements)

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Ticket Tool-JACE-1 Year SMA$200.00
Ticket Tool-JACE-1 Year Subscription$50.00
Ticket Tool-Supervisor-1 Year SMA$500.00
Ticket Tool-Supervisor-1 Year Subscription$125.00

Question: What is the Ticket Tool?


The Ticket Tool consists of (2) parts:

  1. HTML View - A preconfigured form to easily add support requests to any Niagara graphics system.
  2. Ticket Recipient/s - A Niagara component that is configured to email support tickets to a particular team. Add multiple Recipients for different teams.

Question: How is the Ticket Tool licensed?


The Ticket Tool is licensed either by JACE or Supervisor. The license provides unlimited Ticket Recipients and unlimited Support Requests on either system.

Question: Does it need additional applications outside of Niagara?


No. The Ticket Tool is an extension of the Niagara Framework. 

Question: What is the difference between SMA-based licensing and Subscription-based licensing?


  • SMA-based licenses allow customer functionality of software built up to 1 year after purchase. If software build date is after license expiration date, application will not run. If software build date is before license expiration date, application will run perpetually.
  • Subscription-based licenses allow customer functionality of all latest software versions. Application will not run after expiration date.

EULA Licensing Terms
License Managed By: Niagara Licensing

Support Contact Details


1-815-744-0505  M-F 6-5PM CT

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