Data Analytics and Visualisation (DAV) library is based on plotly.js, which is an interactive plotting library that supports over 40 unique chart types covering a wide range of statistical, financial, geographic, scientific, and 3-dimensional use-cases. Built on top of d3.js and, plotly.js allows users to create beautiful interactive web-based visualisations that now can be displayed in standard Niagara PX files. Every chart type has hundreds of customisations options and almost every aspect of data visualisations can be modified to suit the needs. Plotly offers advanced charting capabilities which are used by leading data science and statistical companies. It allows engineers to put complex data analytics in the hands of business decision makers and operators.
DAV library not just allow to insert plotly.js charts in Niagara PX views. It fully integrates all charts with Niagara framework with easy to use configuration UI, adds many ways to bind charts with real-time and historical data, relativize and parameterize charts, maintain consistent views with templates, set and switch time ranges for histories, introduce trend lines and forecasts, produce PDF reports, and much more.
DAV library includes the following charts:
bar | barpolar | box | candlestick | carpet | choropleth |
cone | contour | contourcarpet | densitymapbox | funnel | funnelarea |
heatmapgl | histogram | histogram2d | histogram2dcontour | image | indicator |
mesh3d | ohlc | parcats | parcoords | pie | pointcloud |
scatter | scatter3d | scattercarpet | scattergeo | scattergl | scattermapbox |
scatterpolargl | scatterternary | splom | streamtube | sunburst | surface |
treemap | violin | volume | waterfall | heatmap | choroplethmapbox |
table | scatterpolar | sankey | isosurface | Â | Â |
Niagara-powered device with N4.6 or later, including JACE, Supervisor or their OEM versions
DAV library is sold as the whole package. The purchase will allow all widgets: fundamental, specialised, business, 3D, geographical (more than 40 types total) to be deployed on one host.
Versions | Price |
Data Analytics and Visualisation Library-JACE | $500.00 |
Data Analytics and Visualisation Library-Supervisor | $1,400.00 |
Question: Is there a limitation on the number of charts?
Answer: No, there are no limitations on the number of charts you can use with the license.
Question: What kind of bindings are supported?
Question: Which charts are included in the license?
Answer: All 40 charts and their combinations
To download the JAR module, please get in touch with us at
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